My approach was not to do the projects myself - but to go through them with the boys so we could all learn at the same time.
Here is the list of projects I've come up with - they may change as we go on:
- Hello World
This should get them into the make code editor and show them how to install a program onto the micro:bit.
- Dice
Design different dice faces and generate a random throw when you shake the micro:bit or press a button.
This will show them how to handle inputs, and how to display things on the LED display. I also want to introduce the use of functions early on to avoid duplicating code.
- Light Detector
Display the light level onto the LED screen using numbers or images.
This will start getting them into the sensors on the micro:bit.
- Temperature Sensor
Display the temperature onto the LED screen using numbers or images.
This is so similar to the light detector that we'll probably do these at the same time - maybe press 'A' for light, 'B' for temperature?
- Compass
Display the direction on the LED screen. Modify this so it shows 'N' or an arrow when facing North. This will be useful when we go on one of our allowed outdoor exercise walks.
It will also introduce them to using degrees to measure direction.
- Step Counter
This is primarily for my youngest - who always complains when we go for a walk that he's the only one who doesn't have a step counter. It'll be interesting to see how well this works.
- Send a Message
I'm hoping the boys will get excited when they realise the micro:bits can talk to each other. This will be a simple program where they can each put in some secret text into their own code and send it to the other's micro:bit by pressing a button.
- Chuck a Duck
This project is available on the site and involves a duck appearing randomly on someone's micro:bit. That person shakes the micro:bit to send the duck to another random micro:bit. I'm thinking we could add a game timer so the person holding the duck when the time runs out loses.
- Balance Game
Try and keep a dot in the middle of the screen for 5 seconds. This is to introduce the use of the accelerometer.
- Burglar alarm.
I'll set up one micro:bit connected to a buzzer to sound an alarm if it receives a signal. The boys will code their micro:bit so that if it detects movement it sends out a signal to the alarm micro:bit.
As well as combining the accelerometer with the radio, it'll start to show how to connect the micro:bit to some external devices. Perhaps we can have different leds to indicate which micro:bit has been moved?
- Hide and Seek
One person hides a micro:bit - the other has to find it. This will use the radio strength to work out how far away the target micro:bit is. I just think it sounds like a fun game.
That's the initial plan - we'll see how it goes in practice.
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